The dataset and its possibilities to be reused for future research
The dataset consists of a categorization of the violent scenes contained in Spanish Pastoral Novels. A total of 348 violent actions categorized by:
1. Year of the first edition of the work
2. Author
3. Title of the work
4. Violent action
5. Location
6. Link to the html version (when available)
7. Perpetrator
8. Gender of the perpetrator
9. Social position/Realm of the perpetrator
10. Weapon
11. Reason for the aggression
12. Victim
13. Gender of the victim
14. Social position/Realm of the victim
15. Relationship between victim and aggressor
16. Solution
17. Location of the solution
18. Link to the html version (when available)
19. Type of solution*
20. Blurring technique*
21. Corresponding Stith Thompson’s Motifs
*New concepts proposed in the project!
The dataset is a tool that can be used to cross-reference data according to different research interests and approaches to the study of violence in this literary tradition. Moreover, Stith Thompson’s index column allows for a comparative analysis with other literary traditions in which the study of motifs is being further developed.
Some possible analysis of the dataset:
Word Marp: violence in the Spanish pastoral corpus (1559-1633):
Violence against women in the Spanish pastoral corpus (1559-1633):
¡You can filter by subcorpus!
Link to dataset in the University of Milan repository
Portal of pastoralist violent actions in the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library