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Sara Santa Aguilar

The Researcher

Sara Santa-Aguilar

I have a degree in Literature (Cum laude, Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Meritorious Monograph Award, 2013), Philosophy (Cum laude, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2013) a Master’s degree in Literature (Cum laude, Arts and Humanities, 2014) from the University of the Andes (Colombia) and a Ph.D. in Arts and Humanities (Sobresaliente cum laude with International Mention, 2019) from the University of Navarra. I have devoted myself to the study of the poetry inserted in Cervantes’ complete prose. My monograph El Aleph de los poetas: la poesía inserta en la narrativa de Cervantes won the VI Premio de Investigación Cervantista José María Casasayas and was published by the University of Alcalá de Henares (2021).

In 2022 I was granted a Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship within the Horizon Europe calls of the European Commission to develop my project “Violence and Happy Endings in the Spanish Golden Age Narrative”. In 2023 I was granted funding from the University of Milan for my project “La violenza di genere nella letterattura ispanica attraverso i secoli” PSR-LINEA4-2022, of which I am also Principal Investigator.

I am a member of the advisory board of the journal Hipogrifo, and I have served as a reviewer for prestigious journals such as La Perinola, Anuario Calderoniano, Metal Music Studies, Calíope, and the Centro de Estudios Linguísticos y Literarios of El Colegio de México. I have taught Spanish Literature at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), the Universidad de La Rioja (Spain) and the University of Münster (Germany). At the University of Milan (Italy), in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes of Milan, I proposed and developed an open classroom model of seminars (spring 2023 and 2024).

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