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Encuentros Rebeldes

Social commitment

There is a strong presence of violence in these ‘idealistic’ narrative structures of Spanish Golden Age literature. A study of the violent scenes revealed that there are significant differences in the representation of violence according to the gender of the victims and perpetrators. Sexual violence, for example, is highly eroticized, and the perpetrators of these aggressions, even when punished, are portrayed as suffering lovers. Significant differences were also found in what constitutes a happy ending for a female character versus a male character.


The happy ending narrative of the Spanish Golden Age reflects the dictates of Spanish patriarchal society in the 16th and the 17th centuries. However, some of these structures can be found in modern narrative schemes and discourses. For this reason, the project is committed to creating a critical awareness of the cultural history of these structures, highlighting their ideological roots.

The Communication Plan focuses on contributing to the fifth UN Development Goal, gender equality, through the following objectives:

O1: Raise critical awareness of the cultural history of gender-based violence
O2: Raise critical awareness of the cultural history of gender roles
O3: Contribute to the denaturing of gender-based violence
O4: Contribute to the denaturing of patriarchal gender roles

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